Our Process

One thing our clients appreciate about working with us is that we don’t believe in cookie-cutter services or a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we follow a meticulous process designed to help get to know each client’s situation, goals, and level of risk tolerance so that we can make appropriate recommendations to meet their needs. Everyone is different and we may amend our approach to suit a specific client, but in general, we utilize the following process to help those we’re privileged to serve.

A circle graphic of our 6 step process.

Step 1: Review

Our first priority is taking the time to get to know you, your family, and your goals. Financial products are not one size fits all. Each person has a unique situation or set of circumstances and people don’t have the same financial aspirations. The better we know you, the better we will be at helping you meet your individual needs and reaching your financial dreams for the future.

Step 2: Explore Your Options

Determining your future financial goals and having a professional team behind you can help plot your course and keep you on track to your ultimate destination. We work with you to identify and prioritize your objectives. We look at your financial strengths and weaknesses to determine goals. There is an entire internet of information out there in a world of unlimited choices. We want to reduce that stress and make this simple for you.

Step 3: Create a Plan

We present you with a simplified plan of easy-to-do action items to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 4: Bringing It together

We coordinate with any other members of your financial team (tax, legal or other financial advisors) to look for ways to save you not only money and taxes, but also valuable time.

Step 5: Putting It Into Action

We start to implement your plan. We continue to work closely with you and your other financial professionals to monitor progress and provide ongoing service.

Plan the work, work the plan.

Step 6: Keeping an Eye on Things

Planning is not a one-shot deal. Your situation may change as well as the economy or your goals, so we may periodically need to alter the course to keep you on track.